Monday, February 23, 2009


My last two days of field work were about a week and a half ago in Kandal—a province about a half hour outside Phnom Penh.  All villagers this time.  Three each day.  We tried to reach dry latrine, wet latrine and non-latrine households in order to better understand the motivations of each.  I won’t go into it in much detail now, but did want to share more of my photos to give you a better sense of the people and the environment.

recruiting in the village houses

village kids

non user and his daughter

non user

sample latrine card sort exercise

husband and wife -- dry latrine owners

mother--ideal latrine owner

dry latrine user

her house

her toilet. . . this one was really nasty. . . lots of maggots

One interesting dietary habit we observed was the chewing of betel leaves coated with lamb fat combined with the eating of betel nuts. Done over decades, it makes ones teeth black, super black. I’m not sure how bad it is for dental hygiene, but it can’t be good.  Anyhow, the lady pictured above (and below) was a chewer.  

dental effects of betel leaf chewing

1 comment:

  1. in the world ,so many people don not have good lives.but,some times,they are more happy than ......
