Monday, January 5, 2009

this blog explained. . .

Hello all.  Welcome to my blog, wanderingjefe.  Wandering because I’m headed on a bit of a walkabout.  Jefe (pronounced hef-fā) because that’s what a lot of my friends call me.  I earned the name on a trip to Baja about seven years ago.  Its means ‘boss’ in spanish in a somewhat disingenuous kind of way.

I’m headed to Phnom Penh, Cambodia, on January 22nd for a few months to work with the folks at IDE ( on developing a low-cost latrine for use in rural settings.  This blog will be about my travels and my work.  Why blog at all?  First, to keep my colleagues and friends at IDEO up-to-date on what I’ll be working on because I’m going to be involving them a bit in the process.  Second , to force myself to thoroughly record and document the project and my travels.  Third, to share my experiences with family and friends.  And fourth, because I’ve never blogged before, so what the hell. 

I’ll be posting a bunch of background info in the next two weeks and then will continue to post explanations and photos as the project progresses.  I’m guessing that there will be updates every two to three days, and if there’s not, please bug me. . .  Cheers, jrc.


  1. Jeff, quite the blogger! Went smelting today with Uncle Charlie and family. Fished for 4 hours caught 6 smelt. A more successful fisherman shared his bounty with us so that we'd have enough for a dinner (they're kind of small. Will have them for supper tomorrow. It is 3 degrees outside right now. Cambodia sounds warmer! Be safe. Love Dad

  2. Looking forward to receiving your first impressions of Phnom Penh...

  3. Dear Jeff,
    Being a Photog too - I really enjoyed the pixs you included. Great stuff. You have a great eye.
    Keep up the Blog - I'm anxious to follow along with you on your travels. I commend you on your mission as well as your employer and of course the grant affording you the opportunity to assist these people and hopefully enrich their lives. Such a simple thing - but so necessary. I'm so proud of you.
    Be safe, Love Aunt Ruth

  4. Dear Jeff,
    I'm following along right with you. I know it is depressing, but what a History Lesson you are providing us all. Especially your nephews and nieces and cousins. It just makes me swell with pride again and again knowing your dad was over there trying to stop the insanity. Of course a lot of prayers were said that he would return safely - and he did. The power of prayer. Whew! I'm grateful that we did not know the extent of what was taking place over there at the time your dad was there. I'm sure he'll never say. He never wanted us to worry.

    Your diagrams of the latrines are great. I especially like the descriptions too.

    I went for my Chemo today and got some good news. My surgeon reviewed with my Oncologist my latest Cat Scans and have decided that what they thought they saw located in the surgical bed may be just gas bubbles. Due to the fact that the Pet Scan did not show any localized cancer they are going to just monitor the surgical bed with additional cat scans down the line. Therefore, I currently have just two more Chemo sessions which will be carried out over the next two weeks. The Oncologist met with me briefly and Chad to give us this news. Normally I don't see him when there for a Chemo treatment. But he seems to be right on top of everything and wanted me to "keep my chin up" and a positive attitude going. Which of course I am and have been. They canceled my surgical procedure to biopsy the surgical bed (for now anyways) No radiation either. This is a good thing. I took myself off of the staten as my legs were not working right. (I couldn't walk) Now they are doing fine. The oncologist increased my iron input and will check the levels next week.

    Enjoy the warmth over there - it was 8 below here this morning and we are bracing for another 8 - 10 inches of snow tonight and all day tomorrow. Yippee!
    Keep blogging and be safe.
    Love, Aunt Ruth
